Change Communication


Veränderungs- kommunikation


„It’s a VUCA world“.
Anything is possible during times defined by Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity. Predictable was yesterday. These days something is always happening and the consequences are tangible for everyone.

Within a company, a multitude of change processes – often running in parallel – have to be managed at increasingly shorter intervals. These show up as restructures, mergers and acquisitions, efficiency programs, innovation or cultural processes, and tangible crises. Megatrends such as digitization and climate protection put entire industries under pressure. One trial of strength is followed by the next, with one change project rolling into another.

In order to make companies agile and prepared for the future, new workflows and ways of thinking are required. Whether this succeeds is not only a question of good management, but also of great communication. As unique as each situation, dynamic and attitude in a company may be, what is required throughout is orientation, alignment and motivation to work toward a common goal.

It is of little help to put a mug emblazoned with a motivational slogan on employees’ desks until they have truly understood why the company needs a change. In order for the well-intentioned giveaway to be welcomed, some (basic) communication work needs to be done. I don't want to call it "duty," because for me it's the core of my work. Let's tackle it together – with passion, a sense of perspective, and always with the people at the heart of what we do.

The cornerstone of my work is listening. And not just to top management and the head of communications, but ideally to everyone: From the production employees and the works council, to the administrator and his/her superior.

Because only those who listen first, understand what drives people in the company, and figure out how well informed and prepared employees really feel about the often cited "new normal", can plan effective communications for all target groups. Of course, not every situation has the time or money for a comprehensive culture analysis. But even with a manageable number of interviews, a valid assessment can be generated to support further work.

The need for informed communication is immense. Management can only convince employees to get on board with change processes through confident explanations and effective communication. In other words, only those who really understand the "why" feel prepared to set out on the path of change, while dealing with the "how" in order to align their own strengths with a common vision of the future. auszurichten.

Managers have a crucial role in this communication process and will want to be well prepared for their responsibilities.


  • Communication Concepts and Campaign Planning
  • Modern Change Communication Formats (e. g. Change Books and Dialog Maps)
  • Consulting in Goal Setting and Value Prozesses
  • Development of Mission / Vision / Purpose