Editing & Storytelling


It sounds simple, but it's not. Our working and living environments are complex, and at the same time more and more messages, sounds, and images compete for limited attention on thousands and thousands of channels.
A long statement or short slogan – which is used correctly and when?
A short piece of content is not necessarily written quickly. Often the art lies precisely in saying the essentials in a few words to create maximum impact.
As a communicator, it is my job to convey what is important to employees using clear words and the right tone. And to do so authentically.

Strategic content communication is one of my main focuses. As an editorial director, I have created a wide variety of formats – both online and offline – and made them come to life with customized content during my professional career.


  • Editorial Content for a wide range of Print and Digital Formats
    • Employee & Customer Magazines
    • Newsletters
    • Brochures
    • Content for Intranets, Corporate Websites and Corporate Blogs
    • Infographics
    • Image Clips
    • Explainer Videos
  • Strategic Narratives, Storylines, Core Messages
  • Q&As
  • Presentations
  • Guidelines
  • Corporate Announcements
  • CEO- / Top-Management Interviews
  • Ghostwriting