Interim Management



An open position can't be filled fast enough, work piles up. A colleague goes on parental leave and is absent for a longer period of time. Does any of that sound familiar?

As an Interim Manager, I can relieve the burden, either remotely or on-site depending on the job profile and your needs.

Another reason for calling in reinforcement within communications departments is due to situations when there is more work to be done for a certain period of time than the team can handle.

This can often be the case, for example, during mergers, acquisitions or restructurings. During such times, the mood and atmosphere can often be tense and therefore emotional. People fear losing their area of expertise, their comfort zone, and in the worst case, their job.

Tension runs high and the workload increases throughout all departments involved – including, of course, Corporate Communications. 

In situations like these, I can take on different tasks and roles.


  • Strategic Consultant who brings a fresh perspective and new ideas in addition to communication skills
  • Systemic Coach and Change Manager who knows exactly the needs of employees going through change processes
  • Energetic reinforcement working on-site for a designated period of time as a full-fledged comrade-in-arms and team player
  • Person with the heart in the right place supporting the team in critical phases with a healthy dose of humor and equanimity
  • Als strategische Beraterinwho brings a fresh perspective and new ideas in addition to communication skills
  • Als systemischer Coach und Change Manager, der die Bedürfnisse von Mitarbeitern in Veränderungsprozessen genau (er-)kennt
  • Als tatkräftige Verstärkungworking on-site for a designated period of time as a full-fledged comrade-in-arms and team player
  • Als Person with the heart in the right place , der in hektischen Phasen mit einer Portion Humor und Gelassenheit das Team in einer kritischen Phase unterstützt.