Leadership Communication


Führungskräfte- kommunikation


In the past, competent managers were often defined as having expertise in a specific field and the ability to delegate. Today, that’s no longer enough. Managers must set an example of what is important for the company – and credibly communicate the "why" and the "how" to their teams. The teams must be committed to mutual goals, on both a small and large scale. Now add this to the normal day-to-day business. It’s a huge task and responsibility. Communication is the key to meeting this challenge.

Internal Communications can provide managers with the necessary knowledge of employees' attitudes, needs and concerns, while also equipping them with tools for everyday use and high-quality presentations. It can also empower them to engage in mutually beneficial dialogue with your employees.

As more and more work is done on the move, managers are increasingly confronted with the challenge of performing their leadership tasks virtually as well. This requires confidence with new digital tools and platforms. Here, too, Internal Communications can be a great source of support in terms of content and organization.


  • Leadership Formats and Events (face-to-face and virtual)
  • Enablement Packages with Storylines, Q&As, Background Information
  • Presentations and Speeches
  • Presentation Coaching
  • Guidelines, Inspiration and Ideas for Communication